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21st Sunday After Pentecost 2018

Demon-cratic Anger

Does God possess a wrath?  Does He become angry?  Is anger always an evil? When our Lord came to the temple and found the Jews involved in buying and selling, He took chords and made a sort of whip and began to cleanse the temple saying, “You have made my Father’s House a den of thieves.”  He turned over tables and the money changers scrambled for their coins while Jesus went to the doves and simply opened the cages. God showed true and justified anger and gave us three signs to judge our own anger.

We all have passions as we reflected last week. The irascible passions exhibit themselves in an anger. It can be a great store of power for the good if it follows the three-fold pattern. First, there must be a just cause for the anger to rise up in us. We can hate the sin while we desire the sinner’s salvation. Second, our just anger must be proportionate to the cause which stirred it. Our Lord turned over the money changers tables while he calmly liberated the doves. Just anger is moderate and knows when to say “Enough is enough.”  Third, just anger does not linger on and on. Let your anger not follow you to your bed. Take care of dispersing it as soon as possible after the event. Now this is anger which develops character and gives the soul power. What about the unjust anger which we see present in our cities and the halls of our Senate.

As there are three qualities that define just anger so there are three qualities that expose unjust and sinful anger. First, unjust anger creates a cause to ignite a burning wrath which is uncontrolled by reason. Second, there is no proportion between the cause and the reaction. Third, unjust anger is enduring. There is no desire in this anger to better the situation but there is a wish to kill or eliminate the person or object that caused this anger.

Now let us turn the gospel insights upon the world of the demon-crats and their false cause for their unjust anger. A woman deceived the man and told him to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. For this reason God placed upon the woman the command to be “subject” to her man, Adam. This subjection is meant to expiate the sin which woman caused because she entered into a dialogue with the evil one. Consider the woman who accused the chief justice nominee without a shred of evidence. Her words were beautifully scripted but her body language spoke of the lie she was telling.

This deceit was ably pointed out by another woman. She did not want to face the one she accused. She kept her eyes down upon her script. She could not fly but she flies. She lived a traumatized life while securing three post graduate degrees. Now her false testimony was cast out only to ignite the anger of the liberal mind which plays the woman as a victim. The anger of the demon has been roused and Ann Barnhart has correctly analyzed that Moloch will not receive the “child sacrifices” which can be ended by the recognition that the child in the womb is a person from the first moment of conception.

So the demon ignites an enduring fire in people possessed by their bestial sensuality. They will beat on doors, harass the senators, burn trucks, employ foul language and make anyone who holds to the rule of law, an object of hatred. The Christian morality is mocked; the reasonable argument is ignored; the supernatural reality that one day I will be judged is lost. Good shall become evil; evil will become the modern good. The greatest good in this demon infested society is to murder the innocent babe on the altar of the devil. Make no mistake about it we are in conflict with the world, the flesh and the devil. The hell that should have been exposed after our death is now entering into the life of each one of us.

The devil’s time is short and his fury at losing sacrificial victims knows no limit so get ready for the real divide. Christians will be pitted against the anger of the possessed. The devil’s fury will be met by the humility of the heel of our Mother. She is preparing her children for the most decisive battle in all history. She will conquer and her immaculate heart will be lifted up with the Sacred Heart of her divine Son. With her holiness, her purity and her humility the world, exhausted by the evil expressed everywhere, will prostrate itself at the feet of its Queen. Our relief will be so complete and the wrath of God will cast the devil and his minions into the hell prepared for them from all eternity.

Our just anger must unite with our Lady and conquer the demon-cratic madness which has nothing beneficial for anyone. Pray many rosaries throughout the days that we have then the power of this prayer will hasten the victory. God bless you all.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt, S.D.B.

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