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Septuagesima Sunday 2021

It was on a summer’s day that I took three high schoolers to enjoy a day in the waters of Santa Cruz. Camp St. Francis has a beautiful beach access away from the crowds. As we approached the water, I mentioned that there appeared to be a rip tide but the boys were only anxious to get into the water and ride the waves. Well, their lack of understanding of the reality of a rip tide suddenly caused a panic as they were dragged out to sea. “Father!” they cried and I knew they were in trouble.

In a moment I grabbed a floating device and began to use the rip tide to get to the boys. I put them on the floatation device and told them to follow me. I lead them around the rip and into calm water then one by one I swam them to shore. The near-death experience opened up an out pouring of gratitude. A little dying clarifies the soul and puts all things into perspective. Consider the reality of Jesus, the Son of God, sleeping while the apostles struggled to gain control of their boat.

Who is responsible for the great storm? I suspect it was the person who like Jonah of old slept while the sailors and fishermen fought for dear life. In the case of Jonah the waves became calm when he was thrown into the waters. But in our Lord’s case there was a different purpose; the apostles had to realize the power of the Savior. The situation was serious and the disciples came to Jesus and cried out: “Lord, save us for we are perishing.”

The door of death teaches us many lessons and the one that is most important is that we are not in control of our own life but He is. Our Lord stood up to the wind and the waves: “Oh ye of little faith.” Then He rebuked the wind and the waves and there ensued a “great calm.” From a great storm brought on by the will of God there came a great calm through the word and action of God’s only Son.

Now they realized that they owed their lives to Jesus Who has power over the elements of nature. The disciples reflected and asked “Who is this that the wind and the waves obey Him?” We know the answer: Jesus is the Son of God. This great truth comes to each of us when we reflect upon the storms that our day brings upon us. Evil is abounding, death is pursuing the babes and the elderly, confusion reigns in the waves of our day. We cry out in reparation and penance: “Lord, save us for we are perishing!”

Our times betray a crucial Catholic fact: we have not obeyed the warnings of our Mother. Our Leadership from Pope on down has neglected to expose the only plan for peace offered by God. Instead, we think we can do it through human means. It is destined to failure. The henchmen of Satan (Synagogue of Jewish Elders, the masons, the communists, the perverts, the vaccines, etc) all have one desire only: to kill the Christ and all expressions of Jesus.

Do not be deceived by the waves and the winds. Trust in the divine plan and know that the consecration of our lives and our property to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will protect us from all the evil which seems so Great. From the great storm a greater peace will emerge if we live in the faith. Find the true mass, follow the eternal truth revealed by Jesus and have great love of our Mother Mary. Victory will be all the sweeter through the suffering for Christ in the present. God bless and protect us all.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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