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2nd Sunday After Easter 2019

What is the future of the flock?

Last night I slept meditating on the meaning of the good Shepherd and our historical situation. The test of the Good Shepherd is the test of love which all of us must undergo and pass. He measured His Love for us by His Life here in our world. He was focused upon “laying down His life for His sheep.”  In other words the kingdom of God is worth the life of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Our love must be incorporated into His Love to pay the price for our soul’s eternal reward. What is the future of this flock?

As I slept I had this image come to me of a world in turmoil. Muslims had risen up on the feast of Pentecost (40 days hence) and began slaughtering souls by severing appendages (arms and legs and heads). It was not a pretty sight and I prayed for some guidance as to why this is happening. In spirit I received a clear message that we had prepared the soil for this persecution by our action to the babes within the wombs of their mothers. Infanticide is abortion carried to the nth degree and we are tolerating this crime. It is truly a spiritual and physical holocaust.

What can we do I asked the Good Shepherd?  We must prepared for physical combat to take back the rule of law from those who have used it for the destruction of our society. We know these people by their fruit. The demon-cratic party is set upon the demise of the American society in order to establish a land of entitlements. It is the end of earning and it is the beginning of stealing. Those who work will have to give to those who want to take it easy.

What about the Catholic Church?  It has lost its flavor and turned off its light. It no longer fights for the right to live and sanctify one’s life in and through the daily offering of our duties. Instead it is becoming the fixture for a global toleration of all people with the elimination of our doctrine. The Good Shepherd principle is denied from the Pope on down and the hierarchy  is afraid to stand up against the leftist demonic press. Our faith is denied and sin is lifted up as the newest standard. Very few priests are left who will testify to the truth uttered by our Lord.

What about the traditionalists?  They have become simply Sunday Catholics who think that the Latin mass alone will bring about their salvation. They neglect the battle of the character formation. The quest for holiness touches few families and the secular order dominates in their daily lives. They pray rosary after rosary for inclusion into the Novus Ordo when they ought to be praying for the courage to confront our masonic overlords in the Conciliar Church and in the political realm.

When will we wake up?  There are indications of souls waking up to the evil that threatens us.Look at how a Candace Owens seeks to wake up the Black community to leave the plantation of the demon-crats and to vote their conservative values and live them. Consider a Ben Shapiro who writes in the “Right Side of History” of the necessity of reason united to  one’s faith. Then we have a Laura Ingram Angle that calls for the Pope to put up or step down. There is a movement back to the heart of the Good Shepherd.

Truly the Good Shepherd knows His flock and there are many who will come to enter the fold and find happiness in the doctrine of the true Catholic Church. The compromising with error is heretical and suicidal and must be stopped lest the West fall into the Islamic hands of torture and death. Shariah law means nothing more than submission to the warlord’s heritage of conquering for Satan. We must turn to our Blessed Mother and ask for her leadership in this spiritual and global battle.

It was quite a night for me with all this going through my mind but I wanted to write it out and share it with you because we need to prepare for battle for the sake of our little ones who do not know what is happening and are being taught the Islamic creed of subjection and submission to the slavery of Islam. In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt, S.D.B.

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