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2nd Sunday After Pentecost 2019

“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Apart from our Lord Jesus Christ we can do nothing only sin. With Him we can do all things for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. Our Lord sincerely said that He would remain with us all days even to the end of this world. He kept His promise with the most amazing gift of all…the Holy Eucharist. Imagine the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ remains with us in the tabernacles of every true traditional Catholic Church. Let us meditate upon the “Kenotic Problem” in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist.

“Kenosis” is the Greek for the concept of “emptying oneself” as described in St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians chapter 2. For God to regain the souls of all mankind there would have to be a process in which God became a man. Since the sin of man destroyed the union of the Trinity with humanity then somehow God would have to become man (hypostatic union) in order to bridge the gap which sin now created. In other words God would have to empty Himself of self in order to accept a human nature through the obedient woman, Mary.

Mary empties herself of the commitment to remain a virgin while obeying the will of the Father to give to His Word a human body. This act of pouring out one’s own will in order to perform the Will of the Father demands great humility and an all encompassing purity. Through Mary the divine plan is put into motion. Purity and humility work hand in hand to bring about the redemption of our souls. Today no one praises these two virtues which are the conditions for our salvation and so many souls are on their way to the hell of their own creation because they refuse to “empty” themselves as our Lord and our Lady did.

Each and every mass that we worthily attend offers us the act of participating in the formal emptying of ourselves in order to be filled with the life of Christ through the Blessed Sacrament. If a glass is filled with water, then there is no room for the precious wine that cheers man’s heart. All nature attests to the fact that emptiness is the condition for growth. A simple seed must die to itself to allow the roots and the stem to come forth and ultimately bear fruit.

Our God hates sterility but demands fruitfulness. This quality of increasing our talents and coming before God, the Giver of all gifts, is paramount to the judgment we will all face after our days in this world of testing is finished. Did we empty ourselves to allow Christ to fill us through the most precious of Gifts, the holy Eucharist.

For a moment consider the political world we live in today. One side wants to murder children within the womb of a mother; while the other wishes to allow the womb to give birth. The arguments for an abortion rest completely in pride and selfishness. To condemn an innocent child to a torturous death is beyond the understand of this poor priest. These doctors, attendants, nurses and whoever have a simple goal in their cruel act…financial gain. The have sold their souls and their power to reason to the One who cannot create but can kill. Our Lord says to fear the one that can kill and cast you into the bowels of hell. Fear him.

When a Kamala Harris proudly demands the death of the child does she realize that she is calling for her death as well. In Christ we live and move and have our being. When we separate from Him then they will deny His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist and if they receive they crucify Christ by their denial of His presence in the most fragile of human beings. No word game can hide the ugly fact: a precious child is murdered for what? These poor blinded souls can no longer abide in the One Who loved them into existence. They are to be pitied but they should not come to the table of the Holy Eucharist and expect to receive the blessing of God. No, the horrendous sin of abortion ex-communicates the soul.

Penance and reparation is required for these souls to return to the holy sacrifice of Christ. This is the reason for the “kenotic” problem in the holy mass. Pray for these political power houses of evil and may God have mercy on their souls for as I treat the most vulnerable of children so I shall be treated. Murder does not increase love in a soul but destroys the very one who killed for convenience and a fatter bank account.

As you and I offer the most holy Sacrament today on the fest of the “Body and Blood of Christ”, let us pray for more and more souls to return to their spiritual senses and choose to live in Christ. For in this greatest of all sacraments we live and move and have our being. Let us empty ourselves of pride, lust, anger, avarice and the other sins Satan tempts us with and fill ourselves with the knowledge of God’s great love for us remaining with us in the most Blessed Sacrament.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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