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7th Sunday After Pentecost 2019

Many wolves roam the byways and highways of our modernist world and they do not care about the eternal salvation of a soul but they are concerned about the economy, stupid. They are concerned with the world and what they can get out of this world as far as pleasure, power and comfort. Our Lord speaks clearly about these wolves because He knows the fallen nature we human beings possess. Therefore we must use the universal criterion to know who we are and where we are headed. You will know a tree (the spiritual person) by its fruit for a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree will not bear bad fruit.

If the fruit is good then the tree must be sound. How do we judge the tree? How does a tree come about in the first place. I have planted fruit trees in my little corner of the world and each of these tree were born of a seed. That seed was then placed in a nurturing soil in order to let the seed die and the young sprout come forth. If that soil was polluted then the birth of that little tree would be compromised immediately. This is why breeders seek the virginal soil.

Now the same can be said in our families. We are blessed by God with children whom we can nurture in the purity of faith and then watch them become the saints of our age. But what if parents begin their lives together in the soil of mortal sin. They let the pleasure of the senses dictate to them and then the children come into a spiritual soil that is polluted and now is there any doubt that the sinful soil will beget death. This death is not physical or psychological but spiritual. It is recognized by the decision to get whatever we can in this world of ours. Do you want a sexual experience? Go for it. Now we have human trafficking to satisfy billionaires and presidents like Bill Clinton. Do you want power? No problem…unite with the demon-crats and you will have all the power you need without any repercussions. We could go on and expose the polluted soil of the worldly but I think you get the point.

In the true Catholic faith there is a realization that original sin alone explains the mess we are in and only the purity of the Blessed Mother explains the antidote to this mess. Those who humble themselves with the reality of their fallen nature can then with a convicted conscience confess and repent. These experience the freedom that grace brings to their weaken nature. In their lives we note that their language is focused on lifting up the neighbor and their characters are calm. They produce children who are in love with mom and dad because mom and dad are seeking the kids’ salvation. These parents realize the necessity of creating an eternal environment in their homes. In this soil the saints of the new generation are prepared and they will lead others to the home we call heaven.

In most cases today the catholic family of the new world order pays little attention to the Seed which is the Word of God. Their children get away with murder and woe to the person who tries to open the eyes of these parents because they are blinded by their own sins. These parents lacked the conviction that they have sinned seriously and they must make serious reparation for what they have done. Woe to the parents who have scandalized the little ones with foul language, with drunkenness, with adultery, with occupations on Sunday. As these parents reject the way of God so then their children will reject their opinion even if it may be good and proper. As those parents rebelled against God so their children return the favor and rebel against them. In the end the children become just like mom and dad whom they rebelled against (recall the song: Cats in the Cradle)

When faced with a mess like this what can the parents do. Their tree is producing bad fruit and they know it. Some would say as Plato said: You can do nothing with this bad lot so execute them. That is a good pagan simply saying that with man there is not solution but with God there is a solution. That solution is found in a real knowledge and love of Mary and the Blessed Sacrament. First, one must make a thorough examination of life such that everything is admitted and sorrow is true. Second, a measure motion that develops the virtue of humility. They must not lord it over but rather subordinate themselves out or expiation for the mess they have created. They must foster silence and reflection on the sufferings of Christ. In the end they must reject the world and all its allurements and carry out totally their baptismal promises. In other words they must sanctify themselves first before God can re-create the family in His Love.

My dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy family is the model upon which the true Catholic family is based. It does not matter what Popes say when it does not unite with Christ’s words; it does not matter what the world says; what matters is that we do not fool ourselves but be serious about holiness which comes from a repentant heart which rejects its pride, its lusts, its sensuality and whatever else gets in the way of Christ-like-ness. Pray the rosary continually and daily focus on the Litany of Humility by Cardinal Merry-de-val (found in the Pieta prayer book).

May the fruit of your tree be forever tasty and nutritious.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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