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Palm Sunday 2019

Anatomy of Betrayal, the Judas Complex

Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. If this is so, then there is no change which can come to Him nor His Mystical Body. This is the fact of God’s nature which is Divine, Sacrificial Love. But mankind with the tainted blood of Adam and Eve has within it the movement of betrayal which we call “sin” but this movement is capable of repetition in the person, our society and our global family. So it is wise to meditate upon the betrayal of Judas in order to apply this pattern to the society in which we live and breath and the global family.

How does this betrayal begin? One must study the Gospel of St. John to realize the beginning of all betrayal comes with a desire for the Material over the Sacred. In the case of Judas, his heart turned to handing over our blessed Lord the day on which Our Lord announced the holy Eucharist. “Unless you eat my body and drink my blood,you have no eternal life in you.”

At these words the masses turned and asked “Who can accept this?” They walked away and Judas in his heart sought to hand Him over to the Jew who would promise him the material he desired: thirty pieces of silver. First point in our society comes from the Clinton team: “It’s the economy, stupid!” Consider the Demon-cratic Party desire for the goods of the earth. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Schumer, etc. all house themselves in luxury while they claim they are working for the poor. They are the guardians of the illegal immigrants in order to keep themselves in the positions of wealth and power. They betray the American people because their greed is insatiable.

Consider the push of the globalist to make a one world government, one world religious group and a one world economy. Materialism has washed out the goal of the human being.No longer is the soul considered as more important than the body. Instead eternity is subordinated to our temporal life. Look at the desire of the Chinese or the hegemony of the Jewish nation or the hegemony of Russian globalists. All of this marks the first sign of the betrayal. Instead of seek first the kingdom of God, it has become “seek first the wealth and pleasures of the world.”

From the desire of the temporal over the sacred, the traitor moves to peaceful co-existence with the other apostles. He takes care of the public purse and helps himself to it when no one can audit him. Peaceful co-existence takes place in the countries which accept the policies of the war lord, Mohammed. These Islam fanatics become parasites on the free nations that they invade. They will accept all the entitlements of the state while they gain positions in the educational area, the political and the financial arenas. Peaceful coexistence remains in effect until they have the power of the majority then their third and final step takes place.

Like Judas traitors always preface their destructive intent with a sign of affection. Inthe case of Judas he smothered the Lord with kisses (kataphilien). After Vatican II priests and nuns left the Lord in droves and they were found on T.V. talk shows saying “I love the Church but…” Affection leads to the destruction of the Mystical Body of Christ; it leads to the death of the social fabric; finally, it prefigures the death of nations.

Now we can summarize and warn those who wish to understand the signs of our times. If we were to regain the people and faith returned, then in humility our Church would place our Lord as our King. The rule of divine law would reign and all society would find peace. This has to happen according to the prophetic encyclical known as “Quas Primas”. If not, then betrayal will come at all levels as we see it taking place today. The people are betrayed by their elected politicians. Material goods are sought over the spiritual. The peaceful coexistence exists as long as the majority still holds the power of the vote and the right to bear arms. Then the day will come when we will be taken to selected site to be cared for. Unfortunately,they will care for the educated by elimination. As it happened to the most innocent Son of God so it is happening in the wombs of women deceived into aborting the child.

Take seriously this pattern which is rampant in the personal lives of many, the social life of our communities and the global desire of hegemony. In the end the traitor is not happy with the material goods gained nor with the power of the people. Happiness only arrives in the heart when that heart is faithful to the direction of our Lord. The Fatima prophecy continues to ring true: God the Father desires to honor our Blessed Mother with the antidote to the world’s ills. His method remains clear and concise: “Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on a day specified by the Holy Father and in union with him every Catholic Bishop in their respective Cathedrals.” When this truly takes place the change in this world will be miraculous. It will come but it will be late. Pray the holy rosary for this consecration or prepare for the ultimate betrayal of our world.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt, S.D.B.

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