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Possession Today

Who initiated sin, the rebellion against the love of God?  Simple answer: the evil one has done this. The battle for the soul is driving us on today. Let us take the time to analyze the method of the devil and the effects of his strategy in the soul of the Christian.

As in the physical sicknesses that irritate our bodies there is an order to the disease. In the first place there is the “infestation” of the disease. In the process of demonic possession we find the infestation which is a simple attachment to sin. It may start as an attachment to reading tarot cards, or playing with a wighi(sp.?) board, or getting into Harry Potter and his brand of magic. Infestation can be handled by the good confession and the direction of the confessor to abandon the attachment. If this does not take place then the second stage begins to develop.

In the second stage we refer to an “obsession”. When one begins to be obsessed with that which is displeasing to God the soul focuses on this sin. One begins to center upon the thought ,the action or the pleasure and forget about everything else. This fixation dominates the personality and others recognize it. An abortionist assistant recently testified to becoming a drunk in order to block out the evil she was performing. The alcoholic cannot think of anything but getting the next drink. We can see how this applies to the drug addicts, the sexual pervert, etc. Obsession may lead the soul to a “bottom out” experience which can cause that soul to seek the forgiveness of God and convert. The advice of the confessor is clear:  intrinsically evil acts must be amputated. If the soul does not reject this obsession, then the next stepof the evil one is to possess the body of this person.

Possession is a reality today more than ever before. Why?  because we have denied that we are reasonable creatures and have turned to emotions. With reason we have the recognition of our conscience and we experience “guilt”. This guilt will aid us in seeking the mercy of God. Without reason as our guide, the emotions will seek to make us “gods”, laws unto ourselves and imitators of the evil one. If one knows that a person is exhibiting the marks of possession there is a remedy that all of us can use. It comes from the writings of St. Louis de Montfort in his book, The Secret of the Holy Rosary.

His advice in that work is that we place a blessed rosary around the neck of the individual suffering from the devil. What should we look for in the person?

  1. Does the person mock the words of God, deeds of virtue in another?  (Recall the words at our Lord’s crucifixion:  “He saved others; Himself He cannot save.”    Mockery)
  2. Is the person hot tempered?  The slightest thing causes an abnormal reaction. It is like playing with dynamite.
  3. Is the individual given to sensual pleasure?  This person substitutes the pleasures of the senses for the true goal of heaven.
  4. What comes out of the mouth of this soul?  If you hear criticism, foul language, pure nonsense; then you know that the heart is with the wrong master.
  5. Physically, you may witness contortions, excessive strength, split personality.

This is not a complete list but it will help a great deal to recognize the presence of the evil one. Now in the gospel today the battle to possess the soul is questioned by the Pharisees who are jealous o f the power exhibited by our Lord to cast out the devil. Note that the devil had taken over the senses of the man. He could not hear so he could not speak. If he cannot hear the word of God which is happening today a great deal, then the person cannot proclaim the great works of God. But if he is given the freedom that comes from the power of Jesus then his ears are opened to the truth and he can come to proclaim that which sets the soul free.

Notice how the pharisees  create a negative from the positive act of freeing the poor soul from the evil one. They judge in their hearts that Jesus casts out demons by the prince of demons. Note thatJesus does not answer them from scripture but from social reality:  a kingdom divided cannot stand. Possession is a division in the personality for you cannot serve both God and mammon. Jesus also contradicts their thoughts by asking by Whom do your sons casts them out. He is referring to his apostles, who are Jews and who have been given the power to cast out demons in His Name.

Now we come to the message for today. Souls are so precious that Satan never stops working to possess them. He will give them the world for their soul. On the other hand, Jesus gave His Precious Blood to ransom us from the evil one and return us to the kingdom of God. One gives His All and the other wants to take our all. We must choose to return to reason and seek the kingdom of God. We must enter the battle with the sword of faith, the name of Jesus, His precious blood and with the devotion to our Lady. Greater is He Who is in thee; than he who isin the world. Do not be afraid to combat the evil one wherever He shows up. Know that there will come an event and a time in which this world and all within it will come back to the feet of the King of kings. May God hurry that time along.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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