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Quinquigesima Sunday 2019

Lent is on the doorstep of our lives in 2019 and the age of the anti-Christ is becoming more evident than ever. Our dear Lord is so clear with the apostles that it causes our heart to wonder why they could not understand. The words are clearer today but still we do not understand. In fact we are blind to the reality that is based on the faith we have received. So let us meditate upon the prophetic words of our Lord and paint a picture of what is going on.

Our world is in crisis because the soul of humanity will be delivered over to the non-believers. They will mock the very source of their humanity. They will spit outsla nder and criticism to the very one who gives meaning to life itself. They will beat His Body with whips from tongues that know no restraints. His innocence they will crown with smut and slime. Finally, they will crucify Him but they will be conquered by a resurrection they could not stop.

Why don’t we recognize the Mystical Body as it enters into the pattern of the physical body of Jesus? First, faith demands that we open our eyes to our nothingness. Men don’t want to say that there is scum on the inside of their hearts. We aren’t that bad are we? Yes, we are and we need a saviour more than anything else. Second, we live too close to the times in which we live and we do not look at the longer view. Third, every five hundred years there is a great crisis in the world and we are coming to the end of an age in which true authority is trampled under foot. So what is going to happen?

In the destruction of true authority which comes from God; we have initiated a pseudo-authority which makes man the measure of everything. No longer is the science of God (Theology) served by every other science. Instead the absolute science of physics trumps the deck. Man can figure out everything. In the end we find the liquidation of this view in three aspects of life.

First there is the liquidation of the economic man which played the tune that man is to be a producer. He prepares himself to make money, take care of his family and then die and be forgotten. This lie is becoming more and more evident day by day for there is a sense that all this economic heaven is not the reality for the majority of souls in this world. Economics do not answer the basic questions of life.

Second, we witness the liquidation of the Rouseaun concept on the “natural” goodness of man. The intensity and growth of greed, lust, anger teaches us that man may be a wolf to his fellow man. There is something in us that conflicts with the idea of man being a naturally good person. Man must take into account the reality of sin.

Third, the liquidation of rationalism is becoming evident in the conflict between Republicans and Demon-crats. One seeks to invoke common sense as a means of looking at problems while the other party elevates the emotional card of sin. Let everyone do whatever the body demands.

These concepts of life have failed us. Civilization was formed upon the Christian value system and now the era of anti-Christ is killing everything and everyone who seeks to live according to the love of Christ. Note how every Demon-cratic presidential hopeful all lift up murdering infants in the womb even after those children were delivered alive but were not convenient. Easy solution from the Governor of Virginia is to cut the back of their necks. If babies are not protected, then the elderly or the deformed are on the block for elimination. Utility and convenience determine your right to remain alive in an anti-Christian society. Marriage is no longer between only a man and a woman; instead, any union of love can take its place. Homosexual unions, man and dog unions, we really don’t know how depraved we have become.

Soon the issue will be a choice between what is placed forward as the absolute. In man there is a craving for the eternal and it must be filled either with the life of the God-Man or with the false man-god which society creates to deny God and His natural law. Hence society will crush the Mystical Body because it calls for its freedom to be god. When all become little gods then all are in danger of destruction simply because one little god offends another little god. The easy solution is the prison camp or a bullet to the head.

Throughout the world the crisis is encompassing humanity and it is a truly religious crisis for it is the Crucifixion of the Soul of Humanity. A man may seem to be blind to the ways of this world but if he recognizes the Lordship of Christ then he will see that salvation remains for those souls who will put their hearts into the hands of Christ and our blessed Mother. In these times pray another 5 decades of the holy rosary, attend as many holy masses as possible, fly to the confessional to purify your soul. Prepare well in this period of 40 days because we know not the day or the hour in which we shall be tested.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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