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Reflections On Palm Sunday

Exultation before Desolation

Caiaphas stated the obvious: “It is only right that one man should die in order that the whole nation might live.” The perfidious Jew never changes and always seeks the temporal while neglecting the eternal. They will plot and conspire to bring this world to its knees rather than lift a hand to bring the people to the peace of God. The common man recognizes in this miracle worker the words of Truth and they flock to Him crying out: “Hosanna, to the son of David, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Jesus Enters Jerusalem On DonkeyOur Lord sends two apostles out to fetch a tethered ass and its colt that he might fulfill the Scriptures which state that He will enter the holy city of Jerusalem on just such a beast. There is more to it than simply riding into town amidst the acclaim of all the people. The ass represents the Jewish nation which is tethered by the sin of infidelity. The colt represents the Gentile people who are new to the word of God. Both are set free through the divine action of the Son of God who will bring them to the Cross of forgiveness. Through His blood they shall no longer be bound but rather freed.

Each Catholic enters into this union with our Lord through the holy sacraments of Baptism and Confession. We are no longer bound by sin but now have the power of His divine friendship to set us free to live the grace-filled life. The two apostles represent Peter who would go to the circumcised while Paul would go to the Gentile nations. They are the priests that bring the Word of God to unbind all from their former ways of thinking. Truth alone sets us free.

In this very Truth the people acclaim our Lord as the “Son of David” which tells us that He is the rightful heir to the throne. He shall be the King of all kings and the eternal high priest offering the sacrifice of His own Life for our eternal good. He establishes the true order of religion and society in one masterful stroke. Priority number one is to proclaim God as our Creator, our Redeemer and our Sanctifier. Hence this Mystical Body formed in the Truth of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity has the indirect power of governing the moral life of the world. All authority given to any leader of any nation comes from above and must be used to lead its citizens to their eternal reward.

For this reason no Christian makes any headway in the spiritual life without a deep love of the glory of God. All our self-satisfaction must be subordinated to the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. Hence we place the representation of ourselves, our clothing and our palm branches, under the person of Christ. We humble ourselves as He humbled Himself. We are called Christian because we imitate our Master. We raise the palms in our submission to His majesty and we cry out with the entire world: “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.”

Seek first His Kingship over you. Lift up His Sacrificial act of love. Know that this moment of worldly acclaim is an prophetic moment in which the truth will be lifted up on a Cross and through that Cross be returned to His Father eternally. In heaven this acclamation will continue forever and ever. May our hearts yield to His majesty and His kingship over us and may we receive His precious Body and Blood as the offering for our eternal salvation.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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