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St. John Bosco Feast Day January 31st

John Bosco found God’s message in his dreams

St. John Bosco

St. John Bosco

St. John Bosco’s Feast Day is today, January 31st.

His life was dedicated to the salvation of souls.
We can imitate this great Saint and pray for the salvation of souls who might otherwise be lost.

St John Bosco was born in the hamlets of Becchi Italy on August 16th 1815 and died January 31, 1888 at the age of 72. He is known for his dedication to the betterment and education of disadvantaged youth and developed a method known as the Salesian Preventative System. A system based on love instead of punishment.

St. Don Bosco was Beatified in 1929 XI and Canonized on April 1, 1934 by Pope Pius XI. Upon his Canonization he was given the title “Father and Teacher of Youth.”

Here is a prayer of St. John Bosco to honor him on his Feast Day:

My God, fortunate is he who has tasted how sweet it is to work for the salvation of souls.
He is not afraid of cold, or heat, hunger or thirst, offenses or insults, no, not even death.
O Lord, give me crosses and thorns if only I can save souls.
Give me souls, Lord, and take all the rest.
O Lord, I wish to make a complete sacrifice of my life to you
To work for your Glory until I draw my last breath,
Bearing patiently all adversities and contraditions in my work.
Help me to spend all my strength for the salvation of souls.


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