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18th Sunday After Pentecost 2018

Can you imagine four friends opening a whole in a roof in order to drop in front of Jesus a paralyzed friend? Intercession is an act of faith. This power of the Catholic faith leads to 1) physical healing, 2) psychological well being and 3) spiritual growth. Yet in our modernist world mindset miracles of this sort are relegated to a false dependence on science. As believers we must reclaim the power of intercession and how shall we do this?

First, we must see every difficulty as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. There are no obstacles for people who know how to pray. Difficulties appear before us each day and so there are plenty of opportunities for us to lift our minds and hearts in prayer to God for
the needs of my neighbor. Examine your conscience and note where the problem areas are in your daily and weekly life that present a clear call from God to intercede and save a soul. Patience is an act of endurance for the root of the word comes from the Latin verb patior. This word gives us the other English word “passion”. So intercession does cost us some work just note what effort it must have taken to open a roof and let down that poor soul.

In the second position, intercession involves imitation. Our Lord is the first intercessor for each of us and He laid down His Life to plead our cause before the Father in heaven. When our Lord does or says something we who love Him will seek to imitate what He did and said. This is why His Words and Works unite in testimony to His constant concern to plead for us. Why look at the very words He uttered upon the Cross. For those who were His enemies and rejoiced in His sufferings and death He cried out: “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Meditate upon this action of our Lord and you will come to imitate what you contemplated in the life of our Lord.

From the imitation of our Lord we come to the realization that intercession on our part sanctifies us. What you seek for the other, that you will receive in your own life. If I desire to have all souls saved and bound to the Holy Trinity forever then I shall never lose my own soul. Sanctity comes from complete acceptance of the will of God. In that will is our peace, our joy, our sanctification. There is not much that intercession cannot do in our spiritual lives. Turn to the conclusion of the Book of Job after he has listened to all the wisdom that the world had to offer concerning his plight. He held onto his innocence in his suffering while all his advisors kept telling him to come clean. There must be something you did that offended God. Their wisdom God rejected and they sinned through it. God told them that they must ask Job to intercede for them by holocausts and sacrifices. Job’s intercession healed his friends misconceptions.

Today there is a dearth of intercession because the sense of the sacred is waning more and more. The approach of the crucifixion of our Lord’s mystical body is right around the corner. Modernist prelates, pope and priests seek to rule the world on their terms and not on the truths revealed by our Lord. Our Lady’s request to the hierarchy has been written off and true Catholics are confused in their obedience. How much need there is for faithful Catholics to lift up their rosaries in continuing prayer for the souls of all those duped by the diabolical disorientation that has surrounded us. With the parading of sexual license on our city streets, with the homosexual lifestyle corrupting the Novus Ordo and with the desire to amass all the gold this world has, we are witnessing the end of the Christian moral life. Modernism has a new morality: just do it. Whatever “it” is for you.

Let us turn to Jesus and through the intercession of our Mother let us beg to be worthy of witnessing the collapse of this modern society. Certainly, there may be suffering and confusion but there is one goal that must be achieved: the Cross. We must cling to the Cross of Christ and the prayer of our Mother. We must endure, flee from the worldly cares and pleasures and seek always purity of soul. Cast your heart into the seventh heaven and pray that we may bring many souls with us to the Kingdom of God.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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