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19th Sunday after Pentecost 2018

Can you believe how far the Christian values of America have fallen? Consider the appointment of a man who has lived a very fruitful and honest life being smeared by those who wish to create a hell on earth. Demon-crats are showing their hearts and their treasures. They want this world and specifically America to become a hell on earth. They attack the just man with stories formed from imaginations that conjure up the worst possible scenario and silly people believe them without any serious evidence. We are witnessing the ways in which we lose the heaven to which God has invited all of us.

Yes, God has invited demon-crats to the kingdom of God just as well as the Republicans. Both are filled with good and bad. They are bad when they put the priority of life on their business adventure, their power or their pleasure. They are good when they recall that they have been invited to a banquet celebrating the union of the divine (Jesus our Lord) with humanity. In those moments goodness reigns and grace covers up a multitude of sin. But they are bad when the human nature forgets its eternal end and falls to a goal far below the ideal God has for them.

Now the goal is a position of power which can shape the future of the United States of America. To be on the Supreme Court and to uphold the constitution would mean that rights would not be formulated out of thin air (e.g. the right to murder babies). Instead the true rights of life, liberty to do good and the pursuit of eternal happiness would be protected in this unique country of ours. Life is the issue today in the Senate and in the world totally. Satan rears his ugly head as the monster who wishes the sacrifice of innocent lives upon the butchering tables of the abortionist. Murder is murder and it must be stopped. We will have hell to pay for what our society has done.

So we can lose heaven because we place materialism, power and pleasure before the will of God which seeks our salvation. That is the first way in which we throw away the invitation to eternal happiness. The second is quite different.

The banquet is filled with the good and the bad but all of those have a “wedding garment” on their persons. This wedding garment is achieved through the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Through the shedding of His Blood we have the potential of the forgiveness of our sins. When our sins are forgiven through the instrumentality of the priests then we are clothed in the friendship that is eternal. Covered in the Blood of the Lamb we enter the eternal happiness because we humbled ourselves and confessed that we are “bad”. Yet through Christ we are clothed in His Goodness, His Grace. In His grace we are pleasing to the Father.

Therefore we can lose heaven by holding onto our “bad” character. We will not humble ourselves to recognize the sin which resides in our hearts. This holding onto sin is the “unforgivable” sin against the Holy Ghost. It is not forgiven because we just trust in ourselves and not in the mercy of our Father. Hence we do not possess the wedding garment and are cast out into the darkness where there is the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Hell is our own creation because we do not seek the will of God expressed in His only begotten Son. He has done all He could to lure us by His Love and we have chosen to reject the invitation. Now for all eternity we will weep and moan for we have lost the kingdom of God through our own fault. Not only will we experience the “pain of loss”, but we will experience the pain of the senses which we seemed to value more than the discipline of God. The bad are characterized by a lack of love of the Blessed Mother,
of her Son and of the Mystical Body which has the power to wipe out our sins and cloth us in Jesus Christ.

Perhaps our nation will come around if we pray more and more rosaries. We can do something significant by joining one another in a public place on Oct. 7th and Oct. 13th and praying the rosary for the restoration of our Christian values in this country we love.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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