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23rd Sunday After Pentecost 2019

All she wanted to do was touch the hem of His garment. All the ruler wanted was the touch of His hand upon his twelve year old daughter. Why is there this concern for the divine to touch the human? Wouldn’t you want to have the Savior touch your heart and heal your wounded nature? Why then you could learn to love others as He has loved you. Let us take a few moments to consider the power of the touch of God and where it occurs in the life of the humble Catholic.

In the first place we must meditate upon who received the “touch” in this Gospel passage. In both cases the person is female. In both cases the issue draws out the number twelve. The woman who has been suffering for 12 years seeks to touch only the hem (represents the Word of God). She is the symbol of the Gentiles who would come to our Lord after years in the world without understanding their purpose. Her issue teaches us that no human doctor could heal her constant bleeding; she had no hope left but to turn to the author of life itself. In the 12 year old’s case there is a complete loss of blood which means that she is dead. In both cases the central issue is the problem of the heart which continues life through the blood it produces.

Now in the case of the woman (Gentile problem) and the young girl (Jewish faith) both will be reconciled through the correction of the heart. What causes the issue? It is sin. Sin corrupts the heart and leads it towards failure. All aliments are the result of the wounded nature which both Jew and Gentile possess. This wound is a mortal wound until the Touch of the Divine enters our lives. For the Gentile it is the fresh expression of the Gospel offered by the Lord and His apostles. For the Jew Jesus presents them with the divine word and the work for He reaches out and takes the girl by her hand and delivers her to her parents. Give her something to eat, Jesus directs them.

Consider the pattern in each case: blood problem calls for a healing and that healing conquers the weakened nature of the Church itself. Both Gentile and Jew seek the healing of the Cross of Christ through which the Precious Blood heals all the effects of sin. As sin breaks our hearts from a close union with our Lord so the meditation upon the Sufferings of Christ reconciles us to Him and to one another. In God’s kingdom there is no male or female, no Jew or Gentile but only Divine Life in our Lord.

What is happening today? The issue of blood is dominating our culture. We live in an age of staurophobia (fear of the Cross). Penance, an act of discipline, is neglected despite our Lady’s consistent call for it to increase. Suffering and pain are rejected and covered up by various drugs. Instead of uniting our sufferings, irritations and frustrations to the Cross of Christ we simply seek pity and entertainment relief. The cry is for convenience, comfort and complacency which replaces the heart’s desire for holiness. We need the Cross of Christ not the cross of human making. Look at how the demon-crats want to put a cross upon the shoulders of our President. Watch and see how God will put that man made cross upon their own shoulders.

In our day men have usurped the position of God and think they know better than He. The conflict is playing out before our eyes and we must conclude that man’s machinations are boring. The Cross of Christ accepted in love heals our hearts with the Precious Blood which is beyond price. Our Politicians and our Church leadership want to make us concerned about Global warming when in fact credible scientists tell us prepare for a mini-ice age. This whole issue of ecology comes out of the communist playbook and is meant to impoverish the middle class and increase the power of the deep state to control our lives. They produce a human cross that one day they will have to carry. Eleven thousand bogus scientists are calling for unlimited abortions to control the environment. The control they want will not be given them for the murdering of innocent children will cause a chilling effect in the hearts of every man, woman and child if any are left. They adore at the altar of Satan with the blood of our children.

What is the main issue for our bishops to take up in this political environment? They take up “gun control”, immigration, ecology. What happened to the innocent being murdered under their noses? What kind of leadership do we have today? It is a farce! We must return to the guidelines of Our Lady of Fatima and realize that if our leaders have defected on us then we must go to the Mother of God and to the saints to learn how to imitate the life of Jesus no matter what happens in this futile world of ours. The time is now. Holiness and training in virtue is a daily affair once we have experienced the Touch of the Divine Love. May His Precious Blood heal us; strengthen us; and preserve our faith til the moment we enter our heavenly reward. This is why we need to pray many rosaries during the day. Take up little penances and disciplines to set our souls free and rely on the promises of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate heart. God bless you all.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Voigt

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