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5th Sunday After Easter 2019

“What God has joined together let no man tear asunder.” It is both a warning and an eternal spiritual fact. God has called us to recognize in Mary the reality of a maiden virgin united with a unique motherhood which unites her to a Spouse like no other. She uniquely represents what her Son told us today “Ask the Father anything in my Name and it shall be granted to thee.” All divinity comes to us through the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the reason for all the trouble in the world: we have separated Jesus from Mary. Let us understand the Father’s will and we will come to understand our complete dependency on our Mother.

In creating man God took the slime of the earth and fashioned “the man” and then with the breath of His Heart He made man a livingccreature. Composed of body and soul man’s uniqueness spoke of the very image of God if God were to take a body form. This first man received singular “gifts” which would preserve him from any illness; instruct him in the science of the natural world (infused knowledge) and this man would never die if he would accept the will of God and refuse to touch the tree in the middle of the garden known as the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

After His creation of the man, there was a problem: man needed an helpmate. He needed someone like himself but capable of giving life and fulfilling the first commandment of God: “Go forth and multiple.” This need of expanding the human race would give God great pleasure for Love seeks to be possessed by another. God wished to be possessed by the men and women who would accept His invitation to love. Hence Adam was placed in a deep sleep and the Master Surgeon removed the rib near man’s heart and formed it into the being Adam called “woman”, for out of man’s side this one was taken.

Just as the Father formed the first man and woman so He carried on the pattern for the re-creation of man and woman after the original sin. The pure and holy Son of Man would be the very Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. He would receive a body by means of the Holy Ghost overshadowing the womb of the New Eve, Mary. Upon her “fiat” the Son was conceived and the union was eternalized. There could be no Jesus without the mother Mary.

In anticipation of the Blood this Son would shed Mary received the great privilege of being conceived without sin. Hence the child passed through her womb without damaging her virginity. As light passes through a window so this divine Son would enter this world through the love of his Mother. In this birth three aspect of our Lady were sealed forever in the eternity of Love. First, this unique virgin was privileged to carry out her vow of virginal love for the Trinity. Second, she received a power to carry a child for nine months in her womb and so is truly a mother. Third, she had no human spouse but an eternal Spouse, the most Holy Spirit.

Today our Lord asks for us to unify ourselves with the Divine Trinity. Ask in His name and you shall receive. All things are named. Their very name gives them their nature. The name “Jesus” tells us the nature of the Son of God for He is our Savior. When we seek to pray; we are seeking to accept the name of Jesus and allow Him to be our Savior. We are following the pattern of our Blessed Mother who accepted the Father’s will in a prayer summarized with the Latin expression: “Fiat voluntas tua”, Thy will be done.

What God has joined together let no man tear asunder. In our quest for salvation we must follow this eternal pattern and join our hearts to our Mother and subordinate all our prayers to the Will of God. Prayer is not the expression of my demands of God but rather the acceptance of His plan for my eternal welfare. Certainly we say that there are prayers of adoration, thanksgiving, petition and intercession but they all subordinate the soul’s desire for salvation to the will of God.

When man divorces what God has joined, then that fissure creates an atomic bomb in the spiritual life of that individual. This catastrophe is occurring in the modern society in which we live. We have sought to divide God from our culture. Culture has subordinated God to man and man’s desires. This world, not heaven, demands our will and we must be enslaved by the will of the evil one expressed in the rebellion against the very nature God created in us. When man returns to union with God in imitation of his Mother then we have the potential of subjugating Satan to the hell he deserves.

Consider carefully the will of the Father expressed through His humble maiden Mary that He wants the Mystical Body of His Son to honor the Mother who birthed Him by consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart with these conditions: 1) it must be done by the Pope and all the bishops in union with him; 2) on the day determined by the Pope and at the hour which he dictates. If this is done (God’s Will) then an era of peace like no other will come upon this earth. All the world will know that it is through Mary and Jesus that divine Peace settles upon the world. Imagine the excitement it would initiate. What God has joined together let no man tear asunder. Let us always keep Jesus and Mary locked together in our hearts if we wish to have the peace that this world cannot give.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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