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Feast of Christ the King 2020

In 1925, a holy year proclaimed by Pope Pius XI, a vast crowd of people gathered in the St. Peter Square awaiting the Pope’s pronouncement of the Kingship of Christ crucified. What joy erupted when the announcement was made and established the last Sunday of October to be the day which commemorates this great feast. Pope Pius XI proclaimed this day for the feast because it concluded the liturgical year and preceded the feast of All Saints. As he established this Sunday for our edification and our submission in all things to our Lord, the King of kings, so now we take the time to reflect on the importance of this feast in our spiritual lives.

In the first place it is only common sense to recognize that we are created by the love of our King to exist in a world He formed. In His divinity He rules all His creation but man is unique among creation for man has an intellect and a will and can resist the King. In resisting our King we fall into the grasp of the first rebel, Lucifer. The result of this false allegiance the soul becomes depraved and depressed. Consider the fruit of Karl Marx who turned his intellect from the Truth incarnate to the wiles of the Evil One. Result was predictable: (1) both daughters committed suicide and (2) Marx claimed that his soul was destined for hell. Without our submission to Love we turn to the darkness of hate.

Our intellect was given that we might rest in the eternal Truth. This eternal Truth seeks to move the will to accept love and diffuse love to all we meet. By this act we are submitting to the King of kings Who presents us with divine Truth Incarnate through the submission of our Mother Mary’s will. Union of wills begets strength of character. Our convictions develop our union with the Lord Who seeks our Love through His human nature. This is our role in the establishment of God’s kingdom on this planet.

As men have lifted up their own desires through the evolution of all revelation, they have submitted themselves not to the true King but to the false gods of self and material possession. As long as this takes place the holy father says that there can be no peace. Modernists have no power to bring about peace in this world. Their utopian minds imagine a power which they are not able to possess. Our Lady at Fatima proved that only God can bring about peace. If we would bend our wills and accept the Truth revealed by our Lord then we would consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and when this is performed as dictated then peace would descend upon the earth. Christ would be proclaimed as the only rightful King and Mary would be our Queen mother.

As our King His three powers would bring about the peace that we seek. As a legislator Christ offers us the laws that foster eternal love. “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” He is the true legislator. He is the Judge Who one day will expose our hearts for what they are; faithful to God or simply loving self over God. As king He executes the law and encourages all of us to enter into the rest which our hearts long for.

Certainly, we recognize the battle that our King must wage in order that we might achieve that great day of His reign. We must reject modernism, socialism, communism, feminism, ecologism, fascism and all the other demonic -isms that are placed as obstacles to our true peace. They will all be wiped out when the consecration takes place. We cry out “How long, o Lord, how long?” We must resist the false teaching of Pope Francis as he continues to present teachings contrary to the Truth of our King. We must pray for his conversion but we must hold to the truth of Christ. We must fight the technocrats, the democrats, the bishops who silently allow abortion to continue. All of this indicates the need to know Christ and Christ crucified. How important it is to pray the holy Rosary for the return of the reign of God in this world.

Pope Pius XI calls us to do battle first within our souls that Christ might find us prepared for His kingship over us. From the moment that we submit to His Rule then we must go forth in humility and purity to spread the Word of Eternal Truth to a hungry world. As Satan’s minions spread their evil so must we stand up for the unborn, the debilitated, the elderly and all the poor. The King calls us to action and that begins now. Let us turn our hearts to love Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

P.S. The Oratory of the Two Hearts is rising from the earth. We will send pictures this week and please pray for good weather.

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