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Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost 2020

Who is acceptable in the kingdom of heaven? Who is it that pass into that blessed reality that will remain forever and ever? Holy Mother Church answers that question with the wonderful feast of All Saints. Saints come in all sizes and shapes but they have one quality in common with each other: the direction of their will. As love progresses through three stages (eros to phileo to agapao) so too does our will. On this feast let us follow the pathway of sanctity for only holiness can walk through our troubled society with eyes fixed upon our ultimate goal: Union with the Holy Trinity.

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Our Lord directs the will toward the first step in holiness, detachment from the wealth and pleasures of this world. Our will follows the truth which teaches us that the things of this world are passing and we are asked to go beyond them and through them to see the will of God. Our attitude must be determined by the second beatitude: blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Meekness is not weakness but rather an mindset which aids the soul to attach itself to the actions of our Lord for He was meek and humble of heart. We must not let our passions dictate to us but rather choose to accept all of life’s sufferings in meekness.

Our meekness issues forth in our third beatitude: blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted. Yes, we must weep as an expression of reparation for the sins we have committed in our lives. Not only should we weep for our sins but also for the sins of our fellow travelers on the path to God. Our tears cleanse our souls and strengthen our wills to follow the lead of the Holy Ghost Who perfects us through the confession of our sins and the conviction that we must save the souls of our neighbor. This is justice.

Our fourth beatitude, blessed are they who long for justice, they shall be called sons of God. This beatitude rises from the tears that beget a realization in the soul that justice comes from our increasing love of God. God deserves our just response to all that He has shared with us, our talents and our families. It is just to love Him in a manner that goes beyond friendship and sensual delights. We must love Him and our neighbors in a divine, victimal manner. In doing so we fulfill true justice and leads us to the fifth step: blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

Justice without mercy is cruelty while mercy without justice is weakness. There must be a blending in our will’s capability to love joining the two virtues. Mercy leads the soul to forgive as we have been forgiven. In fact it leads us to have mercy upon those who hate us and wish our death. God’s love perfects this picture with Jesus upon the cross praying first for His murderers.

When the will is capable of seeing beyond suffering then the next beatitude is enabled: blessed are the pure of heart, they shall see God. Now we enter more deeply into the mystical life. Now we see all in God and God in all that takes place in our life. We no longer fear because our love directed by our will now unites with our triune God. Perfect love has cast out all fear and our will yearns only to be with God and to follow His Perfect Will. The result of this love is peace.

Blessed are the peace-makers, they shall be called sons of God. Peace presents us with the divine order which remains in our wills. There is nothing in this world that can make us saints without passing through its preparations but these preparation are sanctifying and the more they are embraced the deeper the effects are noticed not by the saint but by those who examine the saint’s life. The end result is the beatitude which cries out: blessed are you when they harass you and utter all kinds of slander against you for My Sake, the kingdom of heaven is thine.

Saints we must become while we journey through this world. Commit yourself to following our Lady and the multitude of saints who have gone ahead of us. Let us climb onto their shoulders to give our Father sons and daughters who strain to do His Perfect will at all times. It will take only one saint to bring this world back to its senses. Let us seek to be that saint.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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