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Last Sunday After Pentecost 2020

Our dignity is determined by our destiny. Our destiny is determined by our day to day decisions. You cannot serve both God and Mammon. You will hate the one and love the other; or vice versa. We are approaching the end of the year and the final Sunday before we change to a new spiritual movement. From the death of the weeks after Pentecost we move to the approach of new life in the Birth of the Word made Flesh. As we end this cycle let us meditate on the attitude we should possess; the person of the anti-Christ and the hope we have as Christians.

When the abomination of desolation enters our holy churches, one should recognize that we are at the end of times. This is what Sr. Lucia told Fr. Fuentes in the last real interview she had. Three things from our Lady’s mouth tell us we are in the final days of this world. First, our Lady said that the devil was in the mood for a final battle in which souls would choose for good or for evil. Second, she said that God is giving the world “two last remedies” for salvation (i.e. the holy rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart). Third, God exhausts all the means possible to bring about a conversion before a chastisement takes place. He has given us the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in order to convert godless Russia. By our Lady’s communication with the three seers, we can conclude that we are living in the end of times.

If this is the end then what kind of people should we be? Should we come down from the heights to enter our homes and seek things or should we penetrate the depths of our soul and cry out for a deeper love for our Lord? If we are out in the field don’t go back to find your coat. All that is important is our mission to save our souls. The great tribulation creates a focused character which will seek our Lord within our hearts. Hence it is so important to confess our sinfulness and be sincerely grateful for the forgiveness offered through the Blood of the Lamb.

Now let us turn to the opponent called the “anti-Christ” and note three aspects which will allow us to identify him and reject his ploy. First, there will be things happening which no one can solve (i.e. diseases, famines, lack of energy,…) Then this person comes forward to perform wonders which causes the masses to marvel. Where did this person get such authority? People will approach him and ask “Are you a god?” He will usurp the position that only God can have. In their wonder the people will believe that this person is god. We must be prepared to defeat him through the rosary and devotion to our Lady’s immaculate heart. Pray and do penance.

Our hope in the days to come rests in our knowledge that this is all part of God’s plan to prune the branches of the Mystical Body. Bishops, priests, cardinals and pope will all be tested in their faith and charity. In Romania when the Communists persecuted the Church, the strength in the people came from their faith that the communist guards possessed a soul which needed to be purchased. So they committed themselves to loving the guard’s soul while they hated the communist philosophy. Therein lies the key for our future. Love the souls of those who wish to kill us (demon-crats) while we hate their ideas. These are the end times and we must be the saints that God wants in order to bring in the era of peace through the Immaculate Heart. Courage, my friends, in the end the Immaculate Heart will conquer the evil one.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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